Sunday, 9 February 2014

The wind

It's windy today. To be honest I live by the Scottish Coast, it's windy most days

So after 3 hard weeks, this was meant to be an easy week in my Highland Fling training. It hasn't gone that well for being easy. I've run less distance, but then I accidentally set a 10k personal  best (42:36 if you're the kind of person who is wondering) during my run the the club on Tuesday. And then was fairly close to a 5k best at the club handicap on Thursday. So much for lowering the intensity. That said it's nice to be running well, and it was great not to come last in the 5k handicap, which has been my fate the last three times.

So today was the day to get my easy week back on track. A nice easy 10 or so miles, nice and steady, come back feeling good. I decided to run to the power station and back - yes this is every bit as glamorous as it sounds, there is a cement factory and a landfill site and everything. But it's nice and flat.

The beautiful Scottish coast

I was kind of concious of the tail wind on the way out, and when I found myself being briefly pushed along a 7m/mile pace I kind of knew it was going to be a problem. But the trip home was horrendous. It was so hard to run. Sometimes the wind was head on, and I ended up going so slowly, sometimes it was from the side and I still ended up going slowly but with sore knees from my feet landing funny as they were blown out of kilter. Sometimes it rained and it was like running through angry bees.

Pace on the way out was just over 8m/mile on average, on the way back it was just under 9.5m/mile, and more worryingly my mental state just crumbled from nice and positive to really negative and fed up my anger and frustration at the wind opened the door for all sorts of self doubt. Sure didn't feel easy.

At least next week is supposed to be a hard week.

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