Saturday, 11 May 2013

Eat like a pig : Run like a fox

I didn't really intend that this blog would be about what I eat, I think that would be even duller than me talking a lot about running. But given that I'm not telling anyone about this blog I guess none of that matters.

Anyway after not eating very much last week and trying to run a long way, without much success, this week I felt a new approach was called for. Well I say new but actually eating a lot of rubbish and running so I can get away with it, has been one of my routes to success for a long time.

So I tried the same run home from work as last week (18 miles), but instead of the salad and vegetables, I went for toast and muesli for breakfast, for lunch - masses of pasta and a chocolate muffin and some energy gels and a bounty mid run. I'd never ever considered eating a bounty before in any context let alone a sporting one, but I was reading somewhere about someone who ate one during the D33 and thought it might work. Turns out to be a great idea.

I hadn't really done gels since last years marathon, and they required a special lunchtime pilgrimage to the very busy running shop. I think they felt a little bad when they realised I had been waiting 10 min to buy two gels, but I love looking at all the cool running stuff I can afford. They are hideous and messy things, but they do serve a purpose, although I always feel like and idiot running along, trying to curl them up like a toothpaste tube to squeeze out those last few precious drops.

So running home was fine. Held a decent pace all the way. Never felt bad, mentally or physically in spite of taking a longer and hiller route. The wind was also against me, but living on the Scottish coast I'm used to that, and my thoughts on the wind are probably worth a blog in themselves.

The conclusion. Eat, and don't worry too much.

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